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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Meat Judging

    “This first contest helps us get a good picture where we are as a team and individually in preparation ...

  2. Ohio State ACT Wins National Chapter of the Year

    communication, graphic design, marketing, and journalism so they can spread the word about agriculture. To learn ... more about the agricultural communication major, visit or call 614-247-6358. ...

  3. Meat Judging Team Starts Year in New Location

    (minoring in Meat Science) “This first contest helps us get a good picture where we are as a team and ...

  4. ACEL alum selected as Teacher of the Year

    where the teacher winners learn about inquiry-based learning strategies and prepare workshops that will ...

  5. Ohio State wins Livestock Judging competition for the first time since 2004

    members were excited about their accomplishments and their ability to achieve a goal they had set for ... about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at culp.1045@osu.ed or 614-292-2201. ...

  6. Communiqué March 4, 2015

    search firm, to guide us as well as execute important tasks in this process. Their role will include ... have identified the best possible individual to lead us into Extension’s second century. As the ... you’re using the most up-to-date form. If you have any questions about where to find the position ...

  7. AFA Leaders Conference Application Assistance

    5:30-6:30pm in Ag Admin 105 to ask questions, have your essays reviewed or inquire more about the conference. ...

  8. In the News

    Ohio's Country Journal. Feat. alumni Amanda Orahood and Melinda Lee. About CFAES: Improvements set for ...

  9. 2015 Livestock Judging Camp

    share our knowledge with the younger generations. Our goal is to get kids excited about agriculture, by ...

  10. 4-H Science Saturday- The Sustainable World Tour

    kids about future careers in sustainability. Students will conduct hands-on activities using Ohio-grown ...
