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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. K. Cornish

    219 Dear Jim:   I need a conference room with video for about 20 people from 11 am to 2 pm on June ...

  2. Communiqué September 11, 2013

    too much, we end up depleted and stressed. Better simply to say “no.” But that leaves us with a real ... problem: How do we say “no” without hurting people’s feelings? Obviously whoever asks us to chair the ... committee, loan the money or help with the move, would like us to say “yes.” If we need or want to refuse, ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Professionals Recognized Nationally

    4-H; Jill Stechschulte, Fulton County; Jane Wright, State 4-H Periodical Publication (team): Greg Yost, ...

  4. Communiqué February 18, 2011

    possible – when they are available to us and when we have more concrete information we can share with all ... of you about how Extension will be moving forward. Extension Administrative Cabinet has met a number ... – make sure your local leaders know about the clientele you are reaching every day. 4) Be aware that the ...

  5. American Indian/Indigenous

    the US and  Canada Info Please- Biographies of Notable Native Americans Surfnet Kids  -Child friendly ...

  6. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    with others. If I pay attention to how they think about problem solving, program planning and every ... other aspect of doing their job we can talk about their strengths, the things for which the employee or ... remember, anyone may participate in sessions of their interest that are listed in Learn. The public may sign ...

  7. P. Ling

    the room is not available for the full time period, please allow us to use  the room as much as ...

  8. 4-H'ers to Learn about New Drone Technology

    A new learning opportunity will be provided to 4-H youth this summer thanks to a gift provided by Rover Pipeline.  ...

  9. Fertilizer Certification

    information about the licensing process visit  ...

  10. Communiqué August 1, 2012

    if employees learn about the culture by trial and error.   As newly hired people are brought into an ... one way having a diverse workforce can move us forward by helping us adapt to it's, ever-changing ... answer is to take the time to have a conversation with the person about his or her previous experiences. ...
