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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Hidden Defenses: How Cows Fight Disease

    activity in response to illness. This is why an activity monitoring system can help us detect illness in ... intended to explain and inform readers about some common physiological responses observed in ill lactating ...

  2. Dairy Dollars: Feed Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Milk Income

    metabolizable protein (MP) increased slightly by about 1% and 0.25% respectively, from our previous report in ... November. The cost of physically effective fiber   (e-NDF) decreased by about 4.6%. Values of nutrients are ... milking 85 and 70 lb/day is about $13.73 and 13.42/cwt, respectively. Both estimates are expected to be ...

  3. Rumen Acidosis in Dairy Cattle – A Cause for Concern?

    subacute. In dairy cattle, we are usually concerned about subacute RA (SARA), or RA that occurs in the ... The tricky part about managing SARA in lactating dairy cattle is that many factors interact to reduce ... most cases if you’re concerned about SARA in your dairy cows. Cow Comfort Dairy cows ruminate more and ...

  4. Federal Order Reform Passed in All 11 Federal Orders: Considerations for FMMO 33 Milk Prices

    money into the pool from Class I milk with about a third of milk in FMMO being utilized for Class I. It ... can tell us how these changes will play out in the markets and affect producers' bottom line. An ...

  5. Update on the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreak in Germany

    prohibited items, dirty footwear, or clothing that could potentially move the FMD virus. Declare to U.S ...

  6. Property Owners and Unidentified Drones

    drones in rural areas have producers raising questions, such as “what can I do about suspicious drone ... questions. Here are several points farmers need to know about dealing with UAV traveling over their ...

  7. National 4-H Congress sparks new opportunities for teens

    team building, public speaking, self-care, and more. They also heard from motivational speaker Dr. ... to learn more about the history of Atlanta. In addition to exploring some of Atlanta’s most popular ...

  8. Cloverbuds explore the Cincinnati Zoo

    representatives from Gallia Soil and Water and Zaleski State Forest spoke to the Cloverbuds about the importance ... bus with them to teach campers about the water cycle, regional geography, and native wildlife. ... Courtney Cawood, director of Zaleski State Forest, spoke to the campers about wildfires and how they are ...

  9. A Matter of Balance

    A Matter of Balance- Managing Concerns About Falls Fridays- February 7, 14, 21, 28 and March 7, ... experience concerns about falling and restrict their activities. "A Matter Of Balance" is an ... concerned about falls or interested in improving balance, flexibility, and strength? Have you fallen in the ...

  10. Steps to Home Ownership

    Choice Voucher Home Ownership, Habitat for Humanity, and U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development ...
