CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. The Basics of Grant Writing: Becoming Grant Ready

    grant. Funding is available through grants from various sources, including public and private local, ... transportation or public safety, for example" (Grantcycle, 2023). Block grants are most often awarded to ... to them about your project to see if it is a good fit. Ask about their funding cycle and amounts to ...

  2. Winter Solstice Labyrinth Walk and Conifer Tour

    everyone.  From 4p.m. until dusk, 30-minute guided tours of our conifer collection will depart about every 10 ...

  3. Managing Stress with Diet

    and biologically important response that helps us face life's challenges. Chronic stress, ... can help us to not overeat or eat too many unhealthy or calorie-dense foods. Practicing mindfulness ... also helps us reconnect with our body’s natural hunger and satiety cues (Stanszus, Frank, & Geiger, ...

  4. Calibration of Orchard and Vineyard Sprayers

    Unfortunately, there is very little movement in the U.S. among manufacturers and users of pesticides regarding ... calibration method explained in this publication is to determine the actual application rate of a sprayer in ... University Extension publication (FABE-534) " Selecting the Right Type and Size of Nozzles for Effective ...

  5. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio

    greatest in 15-inch rows at 45,000 seeds per acre (246 bushels per acre), which was about 3% greater than ... ...

  6. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    Economics, Purdue University Have you ever thought about habits? When we hear the word, we often think first ... those around us. Habits form naturally to reduce our cognitive burden—when we do not have to think as ... hard about what to do in a given situation, we are typically better off, at least in the short term. ...

  7. Food Preservation: Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption

    home milk pasteurization: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and ...

  8. Our Buy-One, Get-One Membership Drive has Begun!

    Arboretum & Learning Gardens and have made several new memories with us this year.  As a Friend of the ... truly help us grow Chadwick Arboretum's community while allowing you to introduce your loved ones ... received free admission to a public garden you visited while traveling, you know that our  membership ...

  9. Pi Alpha Xi (PAX) Poinsettia Fundraiser

    specialty items can only be purchased in-person.   For in-person shopping on 12/04 and 12/05, please find us ...

  10. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    labels also list information about the effectiveness of the herbicide’s ability to control different ...
