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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Videos

     Check out these videos to learn more about the Sustainable World Tour! How Do You Grow Better ...

  2. Communiqué November 20, 2013

    my mother told me about when I was young and she was lecturing me on being grateful. He is purported ... on food safety issues. Many of the calls this year were questions about home food preservation, from ... more information about OSU CARES and to learn about past partnerships, visit ...

  3. Creating Pollinator Habitat

    Learn about creating habitat in diverse ecosystems, including vacant urban property, roadsides, ...

  4. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    of fans should be spaced at about 12 feet high along the length of the freestall barn. The ... increases from 64 to 86 degrees F.  Cows will drink about 50% of their total daily water intake immediately ...

  5. Communiqué May 8, 2013

    S. Bates (Family Wellness). My team and I are really excited about a CYFAR (Children, Youth, and ... project, I am excited about the opportunities I have to participate in various other outreach and ... topics that families are most interested in learning about and that affect them daily. I received a call ...

  6. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    this year will center on futuring – asking questions about and envisioning the long-term future of OSU ... a participatory approach, designed to engage a wide array of stakeholders in discussions about the future. Asking ... challenges and opportunities that should be considered as we begin to think about the long-term future of OSU ...

  7. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    this year will center on futuring – asking questions about and envisioning the long-term future of OSU ... a participatory approach, designed to engage a wide array of stakeholders in discussions about the future. Asking ... challenges and opportunities that should be considered as we begin to think about the long-term future of OSU ...

  8. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    this year will center on futuring – asking questions about and envisioning the long-term future of OSU ... a participatory approach, designed to engage a wide array of stakeholders in discussions about the future. Asking ... challenges and opportunities that should be considered as we begin to think about the long-term future of OSU ...

  9. Early Season Forage Considerations

              I have been getting questions about seeding forages, both frost seeding and drilling, ... type of days have been very limited to date.  If you read any of the fact sheets about frost seeding ...

  10. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum? Workshop

    needs and motivators. Participants will gain awareness about how they can improve their workplace ... through learning more about their co-workers. Participants will learn to value the difference among the ...
