CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. OSU Income Tax Schools

    about the 2-day Income Tax Schools, along with on-line registration is available at: ...

  2. The Most Adventurous Fair

    will be talking about for many years to come.  We are so grateful for the support of our neighbors like ...

  3. Reliable Health and Nutrition Information Online

    the “About” section of the site to help determine the reliability of the information on the site. Look ...

  4. Harmony Farms Open House

    system.  I was contacted by the company to help with some publicity for the open house.  With all the heat ...

  5. Wheel Traffic Damage on Alfalfa Fields

    harvest was reduced about 6% for each day of delay in driving over the field.  Yield loss resulted from ...

  6. America Saves Week

    full official rules.   Click here for the flyer about the daily challenges! ...

  7. Beef Cow Size and Profitability

    an example when talking about beef cattle nutrition.  It’s now hard to find a beef cow herd with an ... data, each 100 pounds of additional cow weight only added about 6 pounds of additional calf weaning ...

  8. Upcoming Agriculture Programs and Events

    about these and other timely topics at the 2018 Ag Outlook and Policy Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, ... Policy meeting and learn about the opportunities and challenges for the agricultural sector in 2018.  ...

  9. IPM Project Saves Money for Kenyan Farmer

    Management Innovation Lab (IPM-IL). The project is sponsored by the U.S. Agency for International Development ...

  10. Strengths Finder and Colors of Your Personality- Now What?

    taking different leadership and personality assessments which allow us to learn more about ourselves. ...
