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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Welcome to OSU South Centers Vinayak Shedekar!

    about to complete his doctoral degree from the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological ...

  2. Top Performance in a Decade at the American Royal

    Ohio, is serving as the Assistant Coach of the team. For more information about the OSU Livestock ...

  3. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    Phosphorus is usually at the forefront of concerns about the health of Lake Erie. While watershed ... cost about $50 to test. "Our goal was to find a better, faster, cheaper method of measuring ...

  4. Big Genomic Data for fast-growing aquaculture

    about 200 species in 10 genera. The perch, darter, and their relatives are in this family and well-known ...

  5. Scarlet and Gray Ag Day

    Campus to spend the entire day rotating through hands-on science based sessions and learning all about ...

  6. CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team seeks new members

    welcome and encouraged to apply. Please see below for some additional information about the team and the ...

  7. Gary Gao toured fruit plantings in China’s Hebei and Shanxi Provinces in September 2016

    his expertise on small fruit production with them and also learned a lot about fruit production in ...

  8. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    subject of health and consumption of locally produced foods is of great public interest. Fresh fruits and ...

  9. Let's talk about hidden bias: CFAES Community Dialogue is Nov. 20

    page. In the meantime, here's a sampling of articles and web sites to learn more about hidden bias: ...

  10. Students Travel to National Conference

    leaders in the agriculture industry as well as increase their excitement about the future of agriculture ... by creating awareness about career opportunities. After arriving at conference, students heard from ... Mathiowetz Family Farms, Erika Poppelreiter with U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance, Adam Carroll with ...
