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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Farming as Rocket Science

    this tinkering and swooshing explains a lot about... click here for the rest of the story! ...

  2. Bimonthly Fiscal Meeting

    219 I just received a call from Eric Bode about setting up separate meetings for the Fiscal team ...

  3. GSO Luncheon

    meetings, just let us know we can't be in there that week.  If there are any pre-existing conflicts, ...

  4. Slugs Likely to Thrive This Summer

    do about them. For more information, visit: Writer(s): Alayna DeMartini ...

  5. Aquaponics project combines learning, innovation, and community service in Honduras

    about the aquaponics project. aquaponics service Honduras Biological Engineering FABE Ohio State ...

  6. ASM and CSM Internship Fair

    They'll tell you about the work they completed, what they liked about their internship, what they ...

  7. PetPALS SPP #7

    The person with the dog and the 4-H PetPALS team need to approach each other from a distance of about ...

  8. It's a wrap: FilmFest 4-H

    honors in the “Voices of 4-H History” category for “ Generations Coming Together,” her film about 4-H in ...

  9. 2016 Spring Environmental Education Council of Ohio Conference

    session to provide an opportunity for all OCVNers to chat and learn about what is happening in other areas ...

  10. Steady Goes It on the Ice and Snow

    crutches.  Ask a mobility equipment dealer about winter canes or cleats you can add to existing equipment. ... body responds to medication. ·       Ask your doctor or physical therapist about indoor exercises that ... ·       Ask your post office, newspaper and garbage collector about service options that might make it ...
