CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    commencement-related instructions, guests heard about the importance of staying connected to the university and the ...

  2. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...

  3. PetPALS SPP #4

    animal.  The evaluator sets up a course that includes a left turn, right turn, and an about turn, with at ...

  4. 4-H Youth Cooking Up a New Collaboration

    by an interdisciplinary team of OSU Extension professionals, crafted five lesson plans about local ...

  5. DISCflex

    make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...

  6. The Changing Face of the Organization: Millennials in the Workplace- ONLINE

    take on leadership roles.  Learn about the culture and events that have shaped the Millennial ... ideas about how to manage and coach this generation of employees. The workshop will be facilitated by ...

  7. Lee Smith

    State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Chris informed Lee about the benefits ... all, I feel good about helping the university and enhancing the facilities and services at the equine ...

  8. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    activities to learn about the physical changes associated with aging. After completing additional sensitivity ... simulation activities to learn about medical conditions they may encounter, youth role play with their pets ...

  9. Construction Systems Management program is accredited

    about the CSM program …   ...

  10. Farming as Rocket Science

    this tinkering and swooshing explains a lot about... click here for the rest of the story! ...
