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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Alumnus Receives Bouffault International Award

    or more of the developing areas of the world over a period of five or more years. Please join us in ...

  2. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    States who are research scientists affiliated with a US non-profit research institution, university, ... + undergrad link added here 10/28/15 February 5, 2016 US Poultry & Egg Association Full proposals ... conducting research on topics related to the US Government's global hunger initiative-- Feed the Future. ...

  3. Ohio State wins Livestock Judging competition for the first time since 2004

    members were excited about their accomplishments and their ability to achieve a goal they had set for ... about the OSU Livestock Judging Team, please contact Kyle Culp at culp.1045@osu.ed or 614-292-2201. ...

  4. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    University Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown ...

  5. Class Honoraries

    and for more details about each of these honoraries, please go to We ...

  6. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    about relocation holds true when talking about expansion. When herds take on rapid growth, the supply ...

  7. Quality Milk and Quality Beef

    originates from dairy cows, and one-half of all cows processed for beef in the U.S. are dairy cattle. Dairy ...

  8. Meat Judging

    “This first contest helps us get a good picture where we are as a team and individually in preparation ...

  9. Day of Education 2016

    Integrity Sustainable Planning and Design 1:30 – 2:30 The Truth about Tropical Milkweed and Monarchs & ...

  10. Variation in Corn Silage Will Result in Different Dietary Strategies

    lactating cows generally contain 25 to 35% starch, the cost of corn has caused us to re-examine the amount ...
