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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    from March 2006, and $2.93 from May 2005. Historically, this benchmark has averaged about ...

  2. Cost of Nutrients and Benchmarks of Profitability for Ohio Dairy Farms

    reducing starch) should lower the cost of the ration by about $0.15 for each pound of additional ne-NDF. ...

  3. The Ginkgo- A tree with lots of reasons to recommend it

    If you are thinking about what to plant to replace that large ash tree in your landscape, consider ... Four Gingko trees even survived the bombing at Hiroshima, surviving about a mile from the epicenter.    ...

  4. Cloverbud Insights

    Education Who Are These K-2 Children: Characteristics and Abilities There is so much to say about the ... Gather information about the problem—listen to each child's point of view. This will help you ...

  5. Fredrick W. Ives

    "The Ohio Farm" and "Farm and Fireside." He was noted for his practical publication such ...

  6. Liz Schababerle, Ecologial Engineer Working in Alaska

    season was over, she wanted to find another adventure. She had heard about the little town of Sitka, ...

  7. Futures Market Offers 'Premiums' to Cash: What you need to know?

    like to become more knowledgeable about the milk and dairy markets, and would like to become ...

  8. Control of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD or Pneumonia)

    consult with their veterinarian about this and should ask their veterinarian to recommend a legal, ...

  9. Planting Small Grains in Late Summer and Autumn for Supplemental Forage

    Ohio, but it's a challenge because the small grains dry about half as fast as grass hay. Ryegrasses ...

  10. Citizenship Washington Focus

    and hands-on educational workshops, youth will learn about the  history of our nation, the leaders who ...
