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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. National Program Highlights

    populous U.S. cities, racial disparity in diabetes mortality was consistently observed in almost every ... According to the Urban Institute, work is at the heart of our most important social issues and public policy ...

  2. Practice and Teach Your Children Good Financial Skills

    a 4-H or FFA youth, please take the time to reach out to them and learn more about their projects and ... a daughter has been attending with her mother.  We’ve been talking about setting financial goals and ... with us as she’s planning to attend nursing school.  She’s taking a portion of what she earns at her ...

  3. Healthy Choices Start At Home When Packing Lunches

    of us like routine and look forward to the same salad, sandwich or soup every day.  Others like to be ...

  4. 2022 Urban October Archive

    Habitat as an opportunity for everyone to be part of the conversation about the challenges and ...

  5. Agriculture and Natural Resources

    more about all the programs by visiting  OSU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources. Do you have ...

  6. Vacations Rejuvenate and Refresh, Are Important For Performance

    about planning and taking time off. I hope that some of the following points will cause us all to ... awake without an alarm is also healthy for us. Taking time off work is a way to “reset” and restore ...

  7. Soil Health & Crop Strategies Field Day, August 30

    Apple Creek. The field day will feature a panel of local farmers and a conversation about strategies and ...

  8. Notes On Bacterial Canker and Tomato Pith- What To Look For

    Last week we talked about bacterial leaf spot and bacterial speck on tomatoes. This week will be ... talking about bacterial canker and tomato pith necrosis commonly found on field tomatoes. The following ...

  9. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    So, the question is: If it really doesn’t help us, then why do we do it?  Thirty-two college students ... clean or having personal time each day may challenge us because others are involved. Step 2: Decide that ...

  10. Exploring Crop & Livestock Integration: Barriers & Benefits Field Day

    The field day will feature a panel of local farmers and conversation about strategies and approaches ...
