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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Agriculture/Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop

    information about the workshop along with an on-line registration form is available at: ...

  2. Agricultural Security Area

    install any new water or sewer lines without an exemption order from the Ohio or U.S. EPA. With the ...

  3. New And Beginning Shepherds: Management Series

    lambing management.  Craig Zimmerly DVM will provide information about nutritional needs during gestation ...

  4. CSA Task Analysis

    Area A: Develop Marketing Strategies Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Duty ...

  5. Pay Attention to Dairy Cow Stocking Density

    something about how a dairy cow ideally will budget her day in terms of time given to certain activities.  ... Animal Science Department talked about stocking density, cow comfort and cow productivity.  According to ... about 0.5 hours/day drinking, 2-3 hours/day in socializing, walking, grooming, and estrous activity, 10 ...

  6. Liming Considerations

    soil fertility specialist recently wrote an article about liming considerations.  Here are a couple of ... Neutralizing Power (ENP) rather than its calcium level. How about gypsum as a lime source? Gypsum is not a lime ...

  7. Comprehensive Outreach and Training Program to Expand Development of North Central Region Aquaculture

    us to be more efficient, proactive, and engaged in communities that normally do not have University ...

  8. Integrated Pest Management Scouting Program Enrollment

    acreages of any single crop.  More information about the scouting program, including program fees and ...

  9. Dairy Manager Discussion Group Meetings

    plain doing the wrong thing.  When he began to talk with employees and ask them about what they were or ...

  10. 4-H Volunteers Wanted!

    learn more about the projects they’ve chosen, and to show them off to a judge when the project is ...
