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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Miedemas and Hogan Inducted into 2017 Dairy Hall of Service

    their farm consists of about 1300 cows, with a manure separator for using solids for bedding and the ...

  2. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    snow and snap peas may have strings which need to be removed before eating.  Pea shoots, about 6 inches ... varieties are often determinant, meaning they will produce all their peas about the same time, many of the ... inches deep and 2 inches apart in double rows about 6-8 inches apart with a trellis, if necessary, down ...

  3. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    more species in the U.S.  Woolly bears are the caterpillar stage of a medium sized moth known as tiger ...

  4. DISCflex Workshop

    make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person will react to a specific ...

  5. Communiqué September 26, 2012

    determined that the next step is to have a small working group make a final recommendation about the goals ... will be updated to reflect the changes. To learn about the changes, walk through the process, and ask ... you have questions about the improved hiring procedures, contact Karen Argabright at ...

  6. 2006 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest

    contest started by the students and the judges spending about 2 hours at the farm on Friday evening, ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    US and the rest of the world. Nutrient Prices Nutrient prices continue to be low when looking at the ...

  8. Economics of Dairy Production in Ohio

    averaged about $2.20 difference between the lower and highest profit third of producers participating in ... including purchased feed and the value of home grown feed. About a third of this feed cost is used for ...

  9. Tips for Spring Application of Manure

    and fail about 50% of the time because of improper use and installation. Tile plugs should not be used ... utilize custom applicators for manure application, take time to educate them about this issue. Plan on ...

  10. Nutrient Prices, Nutrient Costs, and Income Over Nutrient Costs

    fiber. To put these numbers in perspective, the long-term nutrient costs would average about ... $4.00/cow/day, milk gross income, $9.75/cow/day, and income over nutrient costs about $5.75/cow/day. Thus, ...
