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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2015 Agricultural Lender Seminars

    Agency personnel, county Extension educators and others to learn about OSU Extension research, outreach ...

  2. 2015 Agricultural Lender Seminars

    Agency personnel, county Extension educators and others to learn about OSU Extension research, outreach ...

  3. Strengths-Based Selling – Online

    expect to gain knowledge about: Overcoming the reluctance to calling prospects Utilizing your Strengths ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    $0.1043/lb this month.  The jump results in an identical price as its historical 6-year average of about ... providing this nutrient is only about $0.75/cow/day (i.e., 10.5 lb × $0.071 per lb). To estimate the cost of ...

  5. 23-Year Czech Republic Program Still Popular For Buckeyes Abroad

    Czech’s development came about, especially in terms of the country’s agriculture and natural resources. ...

  6. Tough Management Yields- Dairy Profits

    article in Readers Digest, September 1942.  If we think about the changes in dairy farming, since 1942 can ...

  7. Communiqué June 11, 2014

    Torppa has authored or co-authored more than 25 journal publications in those and related areas. Torppa ...

  8. Evaluating Forage Stands After the Winter Season

    forage plants is also a useful way to assess stands. This should be done when there is about six inches ...

  9. Drought-Stressed Corn for Silage

    about 30% dry matter (especially less than 27% dry matter) are at high risk of a poor fermentation (high ...

  10. Make Plans for Immediate Forage Needs

    forage diets, always add a buffer to the ration at about 0.8% of DM. At this time of the year, especially ...
