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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Northwest Ohio Hops Field Day

    hops planting at the farm. Learn about new hops cultivars, innovative hop production techniques, pest ...

  2. Drones on the Farm: What are the Laws?

    Hall will talk about UASs during a workshop at this year’s Farm Science Review Sept. 16-18 at the Molly ... topics that Review participants can learn about during this year’s event. Sponsored by CFAES, the Review ... Farm Profitability. Public Health and Animals. Hops: New Markets for Old Crops. Farmers Brand Loyalty. ...

  3. Introduction to Local Foods

    disucss, explore and learn about local foods. Make your delicious plans now for Ohio Local Foods Week in ...

  4. Growing with Gust Farms #FarmerFocusFriday

    types of produce they grow. There is a lot that Jake loves about farming but the connections to his ...

  5. Upcoming Workshops

    that will be covered include About Origin Malts, Malting Barley Agronomy and Best Practices, Specialty ...

  6. Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training

    help participants learn about small ruminant parasite biology, lifecycle, how chemical resistance is ...

  7. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  8. 2015 4-H Achievement Record Applications

    I will be providing information about how to fill out the Achievement Record, what the judges look for, ...

  9. Stepping Into the Field: Bridging the Gap between Researchers and Local Farmers in Tanzania

    Agriculture in Tanzania is composed mostly of small holder farms, which average about 5 acres in ... researchers who need to know about on-farm conditions,” claims Steven. “Ideally, findings from this study will ...

  10. Informational Meeting for the Upcoming Master Urban Farmer Program

    urban agriculture.  This will be the 3rd year the program is offered in Lucas County.    Questions about ...
