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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dairy Teat Health and Management During the Winter

    However, remember that stall surface is only about few degrees lower than body temperature when cows are ...

  2. Stages Of Grief

    family and friends about her life and legacy. Anger- While my head knows she is no longer in pain and ... this is all part of the process and it’s physical as well as emotional.  It’s so good to talk about her ...

  3. Agriculture and Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop

    date, registration must be received by December 6.  More information about the workshop along with an ...

  4. How can you prevent food poisoning from Salmonella in your home?

    since this is one of the most common types of foodborne illnesses reported.  For more information about ... preventing salmonella foodborne illness and other facts about salmonella, please refer to the OSU Extension ...

  5. Cover Crop Termination

    more information about cover crop termination. ...

  6. FST student conducts research in Nicaragua

    conducting a study about infants and children gut microbiome development. She was one of the leaders of the ...

  7. Determining a Corn Nitrogen Rate

    about the V8 to early tassel stage, the corn plants needs to take up the majority of its total ...

  8. Freezing Basics

    live in a community where local foods are abundant and the bounty ready for many of us to enjoy.  If ...

  9. Steps to a Successful Beef Cow Breeding Season

    a good article by Les Anderson, Beef Extension Specialist at the University of Kentucky about management ... A change in a single BCS (i.e. 4-5) is usually associated with about a 75-pound change in body ... method of insuring that your bull is not infertile. Bulls should be examined for breeding soundness about ...

  10. Fall Manure Applications and Cover Crops a Good Fit

    and protecting the environment. For more information about cover crop recommendations and manure ...
