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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Ansley Kozarec

    about Ohio State?  My favorite thing about Ohio State is being able to make it my own. I appreciate the ...

  2. Elizabeth Fannin

    about Ohio State?  My favorite thing about OSU is that even though it's such a large campus, ...

  3. Dante W. Spieker

    Dante to stand as a role model for underclassmen. In the process, he learned about the construction ... industry, the university, and about himself. Dante reflected, “I cannot imagine that I would have enjoyed my ...

  4. Spencer D. Logan

    was about 2 hours away.” Yet the experience paid off for Spencer, who made an impression on his ... I still talk about building that ditch, even though it was a simple task. My teacher in high school said ...

  5. Shared Harvest

    ADDITIONAL HOUSEHOLD MEMBER ADD  $9,440 $787 $182  In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S ... (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or ... letter must be submitted to USDA by: 1.  mail:  U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant ...

  6. Maple Syrup Production

      Join Darke County ANR Educator, Caden Buschur at Worch Library to learn about small-scale maple ...

  7. Cassidy M. Brozovich

    plastic, and educate the campus community about plastic use and waste. She also advocated for improved ... while also teaching me about patience and perseverance. He not only made me feel seen in FABE, but he ...

  8. Bella Valle

    Rank: senior Major: Food Science Hometown: Oak Park, IL What’s your favorite thing about Ohio ...

  9. Sofia Morales

    Rank: junior Major: Animal Sciences Hometown: Columbus, OH What’s your favorite thing about Ohio ...

  10. Cassie Mavis

    thing about Ohio State?  The people! I’ve made some amazing connections with the students in CFAES and ...
