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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Research on link between health and nature will grow in new OARDC garden

    come up with a concept for the garden, to make decisions about its design elements and to conduct ...

  2. How to keep Ohio’s specialty crops safe from herbicide drift

    concerns about the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba, and how to prevent unwanted damage to crops. Both ...

  3. What are the sounds of a healthy farm? OARDC study records them

    farming sounds should coexist with sounds of the natural world,” says a fact sheet about the study, which ...

  4. Corn Ear Rots

    As corn harvest continues across our area, I have received a few questions about corn ear rots and ... about mycotoxins and livestock feeding, contact the Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722. ...

  5. Junyan Lin

    host and non-host systems. OARDC annual research conference, Wooster, OH. Publications Junyan Lin, ...

  6. Farmers: 3 days to hone your business’s edge, 4,000 ways to see how

    Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The massive annual trade show is all about learning new tips, ...

  7. Meet the hoopers: OARDC scientists spur high-tunnel use, a low-cost way to grow more food

    farmers. Video: Hilfinger talks about high tunnels and the assist she got from OARDC scientists. “We’ve ...

  8. Stories from Students

    to learn about the Extension aspect of Plant Pathology. Megan Murphy, Biology major, Niagara ...

  9. Junior Leaders Meeting

    teens to get together and learn more about leadership and participate in team-building games and ...

  10. Scout for Potato Leaf Hopper in Alfalfa

    PLH adults from that field may now move into your new regrowth.        For more information about ... office at 330-264-8722.  More information about potato leafhopper scouting and thresholds in alfalfa can ...
