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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Support for 4-H Dairy Judging Team to Travel to Europe

    me to get your tickets or if you have any questions about this effort. We thank you for your support! ...

  2. Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms- The Basics

    approximately meet their requirements for protein, about 33% of the N consumed will be secreted in milk and ... NH4+. The pH of fresh dairy cow manure averages about 8.2 (substantial variation exists depending on ...

  3. The Costs of Nutrients and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    of about 10¢/Mcal, NEL is still obscenely priced at 19.7¢/Mcal.  This is important because a cow ... 13.7¢/lb is above its 6-year average (-9¢/lb).  Meanwhile, the unit cost of e-NDF is about at its ...

  4. Livestock

    Blog All about Grazing (Farm and Dairy Column) Getting Started Grazing Using Pasture Measurement to ...

  5. Choosing a milkweed species for your garden

    You have no doubt seen or heard about the declining monarch butterfly population. Home gardeners ... tuberose, butterfly weed, can grow to three feet tall but is usually about 2 feet tall in a garden. It ... a stalk up to 5 feet high but is usually about 3 feet in height. Unlike swamp milkweed, common milkweed ...

  6. Dairy Palooza and Collegiate Updates

    University Farm and Dairy featured a two page article about our 2015 Dairy Palooza 4-H event that has grown ...

  7. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    about relocation holds true when talking about expansion. When herds take on rapid growth, the supply ...

  8. Quality Milk and Quality Beef

    originates from dairy cows, and one-half of all cows processed for beef in the U.S. are dairy cattle. Dairy ...

  9. Variation in Corn Silage Will Result in Different Dietary Strategies

    lactating cows generally contain 25 to 35% starch, the cost of corn has caused us to re-examine the amount ...

  10. Market and Policy Watch 2013

    that an IOFC margin calculation based on U.S. average milk and feed values is pointless, as such ...
