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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. An Investment to Build Upon: New “Dairy Freestall Housing and Equipment” Handbook Released

    Dalton Dari-ette, or about 9 lb of peanut butter M&Ms.  Seems like a lot of money in that context.  ...

  2. Economic Comparison of Reproductive Programs for Dairy Herds Using Estrus Detection, Ovsynch, or a Combination of Both

    individual cow-based model to aid in decision making about reproductive management of dairy cows. The model ... about reproductive management of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:350. G.M. Schuenemann, P. Federico, A. De ...

  3. Managing Colostrum and Waste Milk on Farms with Johne's Disease

    and from the milk of about 8% of infected cows. Cows that were heavy fecal shedders of MAP were more ... probably only detect about 70% of heavy shedders (including from unpublished Ohio observations, 2006). This ... material from infected cows in amounts as small as a gram (about the size of a large pea) may contain ...

  4. Johne's Disease Testing Options: What has Changed?

    about in March of this year were a surprise to some producers and veterinarians.  What changed? ... diagnostic testing conducted in Ohio. At the federal level, from a Congressional support level of about $18 ... the dry cow area may be a source of contamination for the maternity area, even if a cow about to calve ...

  5. Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service Workshop

    profession, so be proud of what you do and where you work. Attitude: Choose your attitude. How you think about ...

  6. Miedemas and Hogan Inducted into 2017 Dairy Hall of Service

    their farm consists of about 1300 cows, with a manure separator for using solids for bedding and the ...

  7. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  8. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  9. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  10. Four ACEL students selected to Ohio State ATI Homecoming Court

    To her, being a Buckeye is “about making your dreams a reality and a title that is highly sought ...
