CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Now You're the Boss  or 614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide ...

  2. Managing Flies & Livestock Health As Summer Warms Up

    concerned about are face, horn, and stable flies.  The species have similarities but also some subtle ... and will consume about 30 meals per day.  They spend the majority of their time on the animal and will ...

  3. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    to close that gap.” “It’s easier to talk about integrity than to live it. The true test is my ... say about what happens in me. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.  Attitudes not only ...

  4. Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee webinar

    the World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) crop report. Learn more about the factors ...

  5. Public Speaking


  6. Public Speaking


  7. Hamilton County 4-H Clubs

    arts and crafts, learning about new topics through guest speakers and presentations, and participating ... our club focuses on leadership and teambuilding games, arts and crafts, and sharing about our ... explore animal science and agriculture.  You can catch us in the show ring at the fair handling alpacas, ...

  8. Save Time and Money With These Simple Meal Prep Tips

    I’ve had those days when I spent my drive home from work thinking about what to make for supper. ... pears, plums, mango) stored in a freezer bag 8-12 months: Vegetables, if blanched first for about 3-5 ...

  9. Rhubarb Is The Vegetable That Acts Like A Fruit

    than one-third of the recommended dietary intake of vitamin K1. And it gives us 2 grams of fiber (which ... flavor. Then it can be packed into containers and covered with cold 40% syrup. Think about your favorite ...

  10. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    It appears as though Mother Nature is giving us a little break from all the precipitation to allow ... also provide some effective fiber.  So keeping the cut length to about ¾ to one inch is important.  The ...
