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Solar Eclipse Shadow Play
How can playing with shadows show us why some places experience a total solar eclipse but other places ... complete this activity in a long space, such as a hallway or gym. What To Do Cut a circle about 2 inches in ... source about 3 to 4 feet away from the wall, or have a friend hold it. Stand next to the white wall and ...
Small Moon, Big Sun 3
answers to these questions and talk about them with your project helper or another caring adult. SHARE ... eclipse? GENERALIZE Why is the sun’s distance from Earth important to us? APPLY Why is it important to know ... sun. In fact, the moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun. This means that if the sun were the ...
Being a Naturalist in the 21st Century: Perspectives from the Field
Ohio’s naturalists started their journey and what inspires them? Join us to explore the experience of ... children's book Isabella's Peppermint Flower, teaching about Virginia's botanical history. ...
The Butler County Fair is Almost Here
to instill values that their kids will be forever grateful. What are county fairs all about? County ... 4-H program allows youth to learn about numerous projects and careers. There are over 250 4-H ... to the general public and also have some fun. I would like to invite everyone out to the 174 th ...
Calendar of events
fun. Come learn more about Allen County 4-H and skate with 4-H friends! Visit the Allen County ...
4-H Horse Publications & Resources
(pdf) Obstacle Challenge Guidelines (pdf) Publications 173 Horseless Horse Project 174 Beginning Horse ...
Small Moon, Big Sun 1
moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun. This means if the sun were the size of a basketball, the ... moon would be about the size of a pinprick, or a single dot made by a sharp pencil. How can such ... sun, it is also about 400 times closer to Earth compared to the sun. Because of these similar ratios in ...
CFAES Research Forum- Awards Ceremony
Join us for the CFAES Research Forum Awards Ceremony! The event will include a keynote speaker, ... the meantime, you can read more about the CFAES Research Forum on our website: ...
Project Central
LEARN about the publication. Preview sample pages and view other users' feedback. ❹ RATE the ... publication and add your own feedback! Visit Project Central to find projects that interest you or to rate and ... leave comments about ones you already know about. Results of our 2024 print vs. digital project book ...
New Faculty Member in Animal Welfare
risks in the future. Additionally, I am committed to raising awareness and knowledge about food animal ...