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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online

    Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick ... you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ... customers. Leaders have a choice about their attitude- and no matter what the situation, you have a choice to ...

  2. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI) online

    614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but ...

  3. Aquaculture team publish two papers in prestigious journals

    biological journals. The first paper is about the effect of density on sex differentiation, sexual ... a prestigious journal published by the Public Library of Science.  In this paper, researchers state that the ...

  4. Working with Emotional Vampires

    learn how to keep their negativity from affecting how you work and feel about yourself. When working ... with Emotional Vampires, we need to remember that what they say or do is a reflection of them, not us ... . Participants in this workshop will: • Learn about the different types of behaviors of Emotional Vampires • Gain ...

  5. ‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry

    trips to learn about how other counties provide local foods to residents, she was left with one ... It was formally unveiled to the public April 5. Residents of Pike County, historically one of the ... glass fronts.” The public shopping space is around three times larger than the old 2nd Street location. ...

  6. Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

    will gain an awareness about how they can improve their workplace through learning more about their ...

  7. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online

    Are you a positive leader? Do you wonder how others think about your attitude as a leader? A quick ... you, it's time for an attitude check. Negativity in organizations is costing US businesses $300 ... customers. Leaders have a choice about their attitude- and no matter what the situation, you have a choice to ...

  8. Aquaculture News

    Piketon and impact of our quality research and publications, plus the support of other teams and ...

  9. CliftonStrengths online

    event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to ...

  10. After all these years...Bergefurd still pursuing new opportunities

    researchers, and industry organizations, as well as all of us here in your Extension family,” Wilkins ... inspiration to us all.” Bergefurd has now moved on to the next phase of his professional career as a Technical ... numerous opportunities because of Brad and his support. I have been asked about Brad’s retirement and how ...
