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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Agricultural Communication Visit Day

    students and parents to learn more about the agriscience education major, financial aid, and academic and ...

  2. Communiqué December 11, 2013

    a variety of other Extension professionals about their career experiences. Drs. Charles W. Lifer, Linda M. ... county is encouraged to think about events you can have at the local level. You can involve your advisory ... cancellations. Information will also be available at and 247-7777. If you have a question about how ...

  3. Aquaculture and Horticulture Programs Conduct First Ohio Aquaponics Research

    research-based information to the public. Continued investment into the industry is warranted. Future Plans Two ...

  4. Endeavor Center Achievements

    award presentation in Edmonton, Alberta to learn more about the award process. The Endeavor Center staff ...

  5. History Timeline

    the U.S. 1870- The university was established as the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College. 1878- ... US agricultural experiment stations with research as a primary mission. 1890- A second Morrill Act ...

  6. One Health Conference: An update for public health officials, veterinarians, and Extension professionals

    The flier (attached) and agenda are posted on the website at ...

  7. Awards

    publication in Plant Disease, "Grain Harvesting Strategies to Minimize Grain Quality Losses due to ...

  8. Diagnosis of Vegetable Diseases and Improved Disease Management

    the NE US, and include processing and fresh market vegetables and conventional and organic ...

  9. Communiqué March 1, 2012

    to send a message to the RIV team. To help keep us in the loop, please copy Ken Martin ... a continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. To learn more about the symposium, speakers and ...

  10. Plant Sciences Banquet 2008

    work has been submitted for publication with Erica as second author. Nick Weidenbenner- Honors student; ...
