CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Dr. Pepper Snapple

    Come and learn about the company and what internship and job opportunities might be available. Dinner ...

  2. Are You Ready? Homecoming Weekend 2016 is here!

    Ohio Union. Saturday, October 1, 2016 CFAES Fallfest Tailgate The Plumb Hall Lawn Join us in our NEW ...

  3. CFAES releases new brand guidelines

    available here. CommTech is also offering a variety of informational sessions about the new brand. The first ...

  4. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    evaluate and, as necessary, revise the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation ...

  5. Perfetti Van Melle Industry Information Session

    Come and learn about the company and what internship and job opportunities might be available. Dinner ...

  6. Fall Scholarship Dinner 2013

    About 250 guests, including scholarship donors, their recipients, CFAES faculty, and staff, were ... had performed earlier. To see more, click on our Photo Gallery. For details about giving in support of ...

  7. Sandridge Foods Industry Information Session

    12th. Come and learn about the company and what internship and job opportunities might be available. ...

  8. Smucker's Industry Information Session

    We are hosting Smucker's for an industry information visit. They will be talking about ...

  9. Come learn about the Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education

    Please join the Animal Science department for an evening of food and fun and introduction to the new CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education (CHAIRE). Where: Animal Science Arena, Animal Sciences Building, The Ohio State Univer ...

  10. OSU Extension names new impact areas

    brings science-based information to the process of making decisions about food and the way it is ...
