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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Scout Soybeans for Spider Mites

    Kelley Tilmon and Andy Michael talked about some potential insect pests that growers should be scouting ... vigilant about in field crops.  They will often show up in field borders first as they move in from other ...

  2. Stockpiling Pasture for Late Season Grazing

    generally higher quality than first cutting hay and about equal to a lot of 2 nd cutting hay made for ...

  3. Winter Teat Care for Dairy Cows

    problems.  University of Minnesota (should know something about cold winter temperatures!) Extension ...

  4. Comparing Ohio’s Proposed Algae Control Legislation

    determined by ODNR’s Director. Phosphorous monitoring.    Both bills require certain publicly owned treatment ... but the Senate version prohibits the use in public water systems or water consumption facilities of ...

  5. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    more information about water quality or where to get a water quality test, contact the Wayne County ...

  6. GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) Training

    conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or a third-party company. The location of the training will ...

  7. Strategies to Survive Tight Margins

    maximize income? What about each farmer specializing in a farming practice such as planting, spraying and ...

  8. Consider a Summer Annual for Stored or Grazing Forage Needs

    teff grass at 4 to 5 pounds/acre and corn used as forage can be planted at about 80,000 kernels/acre ... feed to a mediocre or even poor quality feed in about 7-10 days under good growing conditions.   Plan ...             For more information about the use of summer annuals as a supplemental pasture or stored feed ...

  9. 2016 Dairy Twilight Tour

    tour on July 12 at the Stoller Organic Dairy farm.  For more information about the event contact the ... Wayne County Extension office at 330-264-8722.  An informational flyer about the dairy tour is available ...

  10. Drug Residues and Clearance Time in Sick Animals

    information about the withholding period or withdrawal time necessary from the time drug treatment has stopped ...
