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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. PetPALS SPP #4

    animal.  The evaluator sets up a course that includes a left turn, right turn, and an about turn, with at ...

  2. How to keep up with the VP and Dean

    more about where he's speaking, groups he's meeting with and activities he's visiting. ...

  3. 50th Farm Science Review another success

    U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, CFAES Dean Bobby Moser, who will retire at the end of ...

  4. 4-H Youth Cooking Up a New Collaboration

    by an interdisciplinary team of OSU Extension professionals, crafted five lesson plans about local ...

  5. 2012 Collegiate 4-H North Central Region Conference

    learn about various parts of our vast campus, the popular tourist areas of Columbus and hands-on science ...

  6. 'Our future depends on cultural intelligence'

    the program, participants were asked the question, "What did you appreciate about the ... the conversations held there." "Discussion about becoming aware of personal biases." ...

  7. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    activities to learn about the physical changes associated with aging. After completing additional sensitivity ... simulation activities to learn about medical conditions they may encounter, youth role play with their pets ...

  8. Ray certified as CASE Master Teacher

    about the principles CASE promotes. CASE curricular materials provide a high level of educational ... information about our graduate programs, contact Dr. Scott Scheer at Current high school ...

  9. Coming soon: This year's Wayne County Farm Tour will stop twice at ATI

    details about the new cattle facility, which was designed by renowned animal behaviorist Temple Grandin.-- ...

  10. Walls to complete Ohio agriscience education internship

    will benefit him as an educator and participate in industry tours to learn about different aspects of ...
