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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Live Healthy, Live Well Activity Log

    forward to hearing about your progress. Please take a moment to complete the pre-challenge survey (link ... at This survey will only take about 5 minutes and will be open until ...

  2. Mindful Time Management

    my e-mail this week and it caused me to stop and reflect.  Life is busy for all of us.  We have many ... overall stress levels. Most of us have “to-do” lists and while they serve as a reminder of looming ...

  3. Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination Ahead of Soybeans

    A few weeks ago I wrote about early termination of cover crops, especially cereal rye ahead of ... file.  As knowledge about how to use cover crops in a system continues to grow I am interested in hearing ... about any local experiences and stories. ...

  4. Fair and Friendships

    learn about themselves and to learn how they fit into the world.  Friendship is an essential part of ... normal development and provides the opportunity for teens to learn about different people and improve ... relationships look like: ·         When both people care about each other ·         When they understand and ...

  5. Smart Goals

    how I want to go about it.  It’s called making SMART goals. S- Means being specific.  I want to save ... $500, not just I want to save money.  If I’m not intentional about my actions, I’m not going to be ... That’s something to think about!  Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  Why not give New Year’s ...

  6. Spring into good health!

    something else, the challenge is don’t give up!!  Each step brings us closer to being in better health by ...

  7. Interested in Starting a New 4-H Club?

    1,500 youth. While the overall number of 4-H members in the county has remained about the same or gone ... fun activities, learn about parliamentary procedure and how to run a meeting, practice leadership ...

  8. Planter Preparation

    Looking at the calendar, spring is upon us and the focus for many growers shifts to preparation ...

  9. Camp Whitewood

    you should join us for a week at Camp Whitewood from July 9-July 15. During camp you can participate ...

  10. Family Meals

    basis.  This morning however, was a video about some research in Australia, asking families who they would ... of a family.  Time spent together around the table, talking about the day and the events of life was ... delay sex and to report that their parents are proud of them.  Think about the conversations around the ...
