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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. The Land of “MILC and Honey”- Dairy Policy Watch 2013

    2009, where U.S. dairy farmers rapidly liquidated more than 250,000 dairy cows from the national herd ... (Figure 1), brought about a consensus among dairy industry participants that a new risk management ... to enhance milk prices by reducing the rate of growth in U.S. milk production when IOFC margins fall ...

  2. Update on Pricing Standing Corn for Silage Harvest

    publication "Farm Custom Rates Paid in Ohio, 2002", and Purdue Extension's "Indiana Custom ... concerns about a different method of harvest (chopping vs. combining) and the potential impacts on the ... costs typically range from $3 to $4 per ton. On average, about 10% of the material put into a silo is ...

  3. How to Manage Weeds in Seedling Alfalfa

    University Extension Even though alfalfa has not been seeded yet, it is time to start thinking about managing ...

  4. Testing for Nitrates

    considering using grain corn for forage. With the dry conditions, concerns have arisen about the potential for ... a representative sample of corn plants into very small pieces and mix Weigh about 20 grams of the chopped corn ... silage and add 100 ml of distilled water Let the mix stand for about 10 minutes, shake vigorously, and ...

  5. Managing for High Quality Stored Forage

    or relative feed quality (RFQ) values decline about 4 points per day. Rates of decline are not as ... it on top of that with a 6 mil plastic to reduce spoilage. Research has shown a return of about $8 ...

  6. High Quality Corn Silage: A Gift That Keeps Giving

    IVNDFD.  In that study, prefresh cows (starting 3 weeks before calving) were fed diets with about 47% corn ... After calving, cows were kept on the same hybrid treatments but diets changed to about 40% corn silage, ... cows were fed different corn silages).  Milk yields were about 7 lb/day greater for the first 3 weeks ...

  7. Safety Training

    County What do you tell your new employees about safety? The old timers I have talked to say that their ... no time to do it? How about, I was smart enough to still have all my fingers so you should be too! ... sliding off came the hay about two tiers at a time and I rode it down to the ground. Wheee! I did not even ...

  8. Students Excelled at the 2015 Ohio Dairy Challenge

    began in 2004 with about 800 cows and is currently at about 2360 cows. Cows are milked 3 times-a-day in ... contest started by the students and the judges spending about two hours at the farm on Friday afternoon, ... undergraduate teams spent about four hours reviewing their notes and farm records to provide a summary of the ...

  9. Ohio Dairy Industry Forum (ODIF) Hosts Trade Discussion

    the US are allowed for use in dairy cattle in Canada. Concern was raised that if this disallowing of ... US is classified as "non-quota" milk in Canada, and is therefore, not regulated by their ...

  10. When is the Best Time to Market Cull Cows?

    U.S. is from market dairy cows, beef from these animals is often used as entrée items in family ... in the meat products entering the U.S. food system. The economics to consider in the additional ...
