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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Garden Walks at Toledo Botanical Garden

    Metroparks Toledo.  Whether you’re an avid gardener, new to the hobby, or want to learn more about ... Garden to identify and learn about the plants that call the Garden—home.    The Garden Walks at Toledo ... Botanical Garden are open to the public, no pre-registration is needed, and are free of charge. Please wear ...

  2. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    public, please click here see schedule of open sessions. If you have valid OSU credentials, please click ...

  3. Workshop: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    to let us know what we did that caused harm and why. This is an act of generosity and creates an ... yourself when you make mistakes. Navigate difficult conversations about other topics. Click here to ...

  4. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    along with Forest Cemetery historians as you walk around the grounds and learn about some of Toledo’s ... to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  5. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    along with Forest Cemetery historians as you walk around the grounds and learn about some of Toledo’s ... to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  6. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    along with Forest Cemetery historians as you walk around the grounds and learn about some of Toledo’s ... to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  7. Forest Cemetery Tree and Tombstone Walk

    along with Forest Cemetery historians as you walk around the grounds and learn about some of Toledo’s ... to discover something new. The Tree and Tombstone Walks are open to the public, no pre-registration ...

  8. Pond Management

    Darke County ANR Educator Caden Buschur will be at Worch Memorial Public Library discussing pond ...

  9. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet every request. ...

  10. Highland County Office

    Office ...
