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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Western Ohio Agronomy Field Day

    much of western Ohio cropping systems. Join us to learn how to improve conditions on your farm. The ...

  2. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    more species in the U.S.  Woolly bears are the caterpillar stage of a medium sized moth known as tiger ...

  3. PetPALS CGC #4

    about turn, with at least one stop in between and one at the end. The evaluator directs the handler by ...

  4. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    snow and snap peas may have strings which need to be removed before eating.  Pea shoots, about 6 inches ... varieties are often determinant, meaning they will produce all their peas about the same time, many of the ... inches deep and 2 inches apart in double rows about 6-8 inches apart with a trellis, if necessary, down ...

  5. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    about what can influence markets in the upcoming year and how to better prepare your operation for the ...

  6. Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water

    Management Practices (BMPs) that will keep their nutrients in their fields.  Concerns about mandatory ... response plot. BE PART OF THE SOLUTION For more information about OSU Extension, Darke County, visit the ...

  7. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    will provide information about what the 4-H members must know and do to make sure their pets are in ...

  8. Putting your Garden to Bed for the Winter

    The 2015 garden year is about to begin.  Many folks think of next year’s garden as beginning next ... I want to remove from my list.  Think about all the joy your garden has given you this year.  Reflect on ... your successes and what you could have done better.  Then, close your eyes and dream about those seed ...

  9. Harvesting Your Own Garden Seeds

    harvesting is an old industry that many of us do not think much about anymore.  Now we typically order seeds ...

  10. New Law on Fertilizer and Manure Applications Explained

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – Farmers who want to learn more about the new Ohio law passed last week intended ...
