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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Arboblitz 2016

    continues to encourage public and student involvement with our trees throughout the year. Campus tree ...

  2. Beef Cattle Marketing Expectations

    of Protein Innovation for Wendy’s talk about beef cattle marketing expectations and what beef cattle ... about this is to ask the question; am I selling the buyer an opportunity or a challenge?  Unfortunately, ... paid a premium for pre-conditioning their calves, Bill Tom says the conversation is not about premiums ...

  3. Back to School Budgets

    we’ve all seen the school clothes and supplies drawing us closer to fall.  Because these items can ...

  4. Food Advice during WWI still relevant today

    purchase.  It’s very tempting for us to “pick up the extras” those items on sale or question ourselves “do ... without the extras that tempt us through the stores. 2-Cook it with care                 Learning to ...

  5. Poultry & Rabbit Clinic

    anything about either subject or a lot about one or both!  We just want people that have a willingness to ...

  6. Pruning Clinic

    Join us for a morning of pruning and fun! • Learn to prune for maximum flower potential, disease ...

  7. Monitor Beef Cattle Body Condition

    a small beef cow/calf operation wrote a good article about the need to monitor cow body condition using ... requirement will be at its peak demand? Think about this; one cow missing one-heat cycle, at the 2.5 lbs. rate ... of gain/day in the chart, would pay for about ten 50lbs. bags of concentrate feed. Consider all these ...

  8. Pesticide and Fertilizer Trainings

    Private Pesticide Applicator License Recertification 2017 I have had some questions about private ...   Every year there are questions about the cost of the recertification program and the license renewal ... recertification fee, is encouraged to help get you through the sign-in process quicker and to allow us to better ...

  9. Winter Squash

    squash in several places with a fork or knife, place on a microwave safe dish, and microwave for about ... knife. Place the whole squash in a baking dish. Heat the oven to 425 F and bake the squash for about ... about a half-inch sits in the bottom of the cooker. Cook on high for 4-5 hours or low for 6-8 hours. You ...

  10. Advanced Grain Marketing

    Intercontinental Exchange (ICE); NYSE Liffe U.S.; and the CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE). ...
