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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. #TrueLeaders: Jacob Shuman

    of a honey bee education program: Teens Educating Adults and Children about Honey Bees (TEACH B). ...

  2. Conference Speakers

    Secretary Thomas Vilsack, Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture Yalmaz Siddiqui, S enior ...

  3. 4-H Week

    families, potential volunteers, and community members are informed about all the possibilities! To learn ... more about how you can promote 4-H week in your community, take a look at the following resources.  The ... History of the 4-H Movement To learn about the history of the 4-H movement in the United State and around ...

  4. Agunga Recognized for leadership and support of CFAES students

    provide to undergraduate students.” Further details about the program, including all the winners from this ...

  5. Welcome, new alumni!

    Engagement Jody Poth, and Ohio State Volunteer Relations Director Michell Domke, about ways to keep in touch ...

  6. Invest in the Future-- Yours and Theirs

    85 7.8% Learn more about CGAs and get started here. ...

  7. PetPALS Assess Your Knowledge

    What have you learned about the different ways in which animals communicate?  Listed are the body ...

  8. 4H Members Across Ohio Boost Leadership Skills and Civic Engagement at 4-H’s Citizen Washington Focus

    Eighty-four Ohio 4-H members learned about government processes in the vibrant, living classroom ... the nation’s capital while meeting with Members of Congress to learn more about how their government ... their communities.  “CWF is a great opportunity for young people to come together, talk about the ...

  9. OARDC annual conference spotlights water quality

    OARDC’s 2015 annual research conference. “I’ve been talking about water for a long time,” said McPheron, ... Water is  our  oil. It is  this  generation’s oil. “When we talk about food security, we have to have ...

  10. 1st Annual Meat Judging Coaches Clinic

    Please join Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor, Meat Science, to learn about meat judging ...
