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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dog Judges Seminar

    during lunch. Goals/Objectives: Ohio 4-H Dog Judges’ Seminar is designed to: Educate participants about ...

  2. Communiqué September 12, 2012

    agreement about what is to be done up front. This is one of those behaviors that people rarely pay attention ... come and learn about the programs and services available to support your research. The State of ... Film/Video Theater. More information about both events is available at: ...

  3. Communiqué June 5, 2013

    Kelbaugh, South Central regional director We are continuing our conversations online about the OSU Extension ... that relate to Goal 2, strategy 2 (G2S2) are about online courses, Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, ... have questions about the plan. Back to Top ...

  4. Citizenship Washington Focus

    and hands-on educational workshops, youth will learn about the  history of our nation, the leaders who ...

  5. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    provides an opportunity for us to showcase impacts of Extension and research programs to members of the ... others around us, but also understanding the emotions that drive those behaviors. As a coach, you can ...

  6. Communiqué December 11, 2013

    a variety of other Extension professionals about their career experiences. Drs. Charles W. Lifer, Linda M. ... county is encouraged to think about events you can have at the local level. You can involve your advisory ... cancellations. Information will also be available at and 247-7777. If you have a question about how ...

  7. One Health Conference: An update for public health officials, veterinarians, and Extension professionals

    The flier (attached) and agenda are posted on the website at ...

  8. PetPALS Supplies

    on clothing or bedding) 4-H PetPALS Passport (Includes information about your pet, health records, ...

  9. Ohio 4-H'ers Experience Presidential Inauguration

    time to spark a youth’s interest in government and history. What better way to learn about government ...

  10. Communiqué March 1, 2012

    to send a message to the RIV team. To help keep us in the loop, please copy Ken Martin ... a continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. To learn more about the symposium, speakers and ...
