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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Are Our Farms Financially Secure?

    This report addresses questions on farm sector forecasts and financial stress faced by farmers in US ...

  2. Resources for Beginning Market Gardeners

    for learning about current policy and legislation affecting market gardens.  The Gardening for ...

  3. Low, Mid and High Tunnel Management for Urban Growers

    Come join us for an informative workshop focused on low, mid, and high tunnel production, ... selection, nutrient and irrigation management, and where to go for additional information. Join us on June ...

  4. Dr. Irwin talks "Doughnut Economics" at The Columbus Metropolitan Club

    doughnut economy analogy, Irwin said, we need to “think about ways we can keep materials and reuse ... while providing for human well-being. Read a Columbus Underground article about the ...

  5. Managing Flies & Livestock Health As Summer Warms Up

    concerned about are face, horn, and stable flies.  The species have similarities but also some subtle ... and will consume about 30 meals per day.  They spend the majority of their time on the animal and will ...

  6. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    to close that gap.” “It’s easier to talk about integrity than to live it. The true test is my ... say about what happens in me. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.  Attitudes not only ...

  7. Amy W. Ando

    expert advisory service to agencies and NGOs including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S ...

  8. New research by Associate Professor Anne Fitzpatrick shows that remedial education at the secondary school level improves learning by 58%

    interventions (standard and flexible  Utkarsh  groups) improved student learning – by about 0.1 standard ...

  9. Save Time and Money With These Simple Meal Prep Tips

    I’ve had those days when I spent my drive home from work thinking about what to make for supper. ... pears, plums, mango) stored in a freezer bag 8-12 months: Vegetables, if blanched first for about 3-5 ...

  10. Low, Mid and High Tunnel Management for Urban Growers

    Come join us for an informative workshop focused on low, mid, and high tunnel production, ...
