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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H Is More Than Following The Rule Book

    decorating a cake, or learning about bugs, all 4-H projects are designed to inspire curiosity, build lifelong ...

  2. Chicken Keeping Class

    Join OSU Extension Cuyahoga County for an evening to learn about getting started raising chickens ...

  3. Chicken Keeping Class

    Join OSU Extension Cuyahoga County for an evening to learn about getting started raising chickens ...

  4. Tending To Little House Chores Can Make Big Difference As Homes Age

    of us, they are great reminders to keep our homes in good working condition. A newer home will not ... guideline for a home maintenance budget is about $1,500 to 3,000 per year.  Another source suggests ...

  5. Let's Talk Watersheds

    There has been a lot of conversation about watersheds in the last week, with much of that ... conversation being brought about due to the concerns regarding the train derailment incident in East Palestine, ... impact on Wayne County So, let’s talk about water sheds and how they impact Wayne County. From the Wayne ...

  6. What's Your Five-Year Family Plan? Here Are Guidelines To Set One

    What are the goals for your family time?  Last week we talked about personal goals, but some of ... the same principles apply when I think about our family.  If your children are young, sometimes it’s ... will pay future dividends. As we think about family goals, reflect on your family values and what ...

  7. National Nutrition Month Turns 50. How Would You Fare On MyPlate Test?

    MyPlate, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s official symbol of the five food groups. The colorful divided ... figure out which foods fall in the grain group and what the label says about the content of whole grain. ... colors provide clues about which vitamins and minerals they offer.  “Get fruity with your food” because ...

  8. Keys To Living Your Best Life Are As Simple As Wise Choices

    doesn’t work, try something else, the challenge is: don’t give up!!  Each step brings us closer to being ... to think about planning a garden, even a container garden to provide some fresh vegetables.  Make ...

  9. Chicken Keeping Class

    Join OSU Extension Cuyahoga County for an evening to learn about getting started raising chickens ...

  10. "All About Beef!" Zoom Webinars

    Are you a 4-H Beef Project Family? Or do you simply want to know more about beef cattle? Then join ... us for a series of Zoom webinars! Mark your calendars and make note of the Zoom links below- no ... registration necessary! Thursday, December 8: Beef Cattle Nutrition ...
