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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Alfalfa Weevil is Active Across Ohio

    Pest Management Guide” ( ...

  2. Forage Maturity Across Ohio

    Spring changes of alfalfa %NDF can increase about 5 percentage units each week. Therefore, it is ...

  3. Scouting Early Alfalfa Weevil Activity

    scouting. The unusually warm temperature early this March put us ahead of schedule historically, even with ... resulted in situations where fields become heavily infested, and the action threshold is met. A video about ... Prior to spraying, always re-read the product label to reconfirm application rates, pre-harvest ...

  4. FRST Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool Launches Nationwide to Digitize Crop Nutrient Management

    about the launch of the decision support tool. FRST was developed in response to the pressing need to ... phosphorus and potassium and nutrient management that uses data from across the U.S. with the hope of ... majority as corn and soybean. The FRST includes a map of the US that shows the location of phosphorus and ...

  5. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 5- Freeze Injury to Corn and Soybean

    and soybeans were subjected to frost damage with air temperatures lingering under 30ºF for about five ... about ¾-inch below the soil surface. The growing point is above ground at the V6 growth stage. Damage to ...

  6. Look Out for Nitrogen Loss Due to Heavy Rains

    past two weeks, Ohio has received rainfall ranging from about 1.5 inches in the northwest to 6 inches ... converted to nitrate in about 3 to 8 weeks whereas 25% of UAN is in nitrate form on day 1 of application and ... ( Time (days) Soil Temperature (degree F) N loss (percent) 5 55-60 10 10 55-60 25 3 75-80 60 ...

  7. Spring 2024 Weather & Soil Conditions: Update 5

    sub-freezing temperatures are expected this week, with only about a 20-50% chance (south to north) historically ...

  8. Open Garden- Cincinnati Christian Adult Ministries Center

    The  Cincinnati Christian Adult Ministries Center  is inviting you to join us for snacks and ...

  9. You Are Invited to Participate! Innovation and Technology in Agriculture Survey

    your data.  Your participation in this research will help us learn how you think about technologies ... agriculture.  Your responses will help us to direct our research activities towards areas that are more likely ...

  10. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series- The Good, The Bad and the Hungry: Dealing with Wildlife in the Garden

    encountered these issues. Many species of wildlife are living among us, in our communities and in our ...
