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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio Div of Wildlife Pymatuning Stream Life Day

    learn about stream life in Pymatuning Creek Wild & Scenic River and in the Shenango Wildlife Area.  ...

  2. May 2019 Highlights

    a story about the department’s science communication club ‘Citation Needed’. Dr. Bala ... A research study with Dr. Luis Rodriguez-Saona and the OSU rheumatology department about ... diagnosing fibromyalgia was in the US News & World Report. Fox28 recently did a story on the research in ...

  3. New Ohio State center focuses on improving food safety, preventing foodborne illness

    protecting public health to Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).  ... risk-based food safety system that prevents foodborne illnesses and protects public health by translating ... major overhaul of food safety oversight at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in more than 70 years. ...

  4. November 2020 Highlights

    /microbiota and help in cognitive development and neuronal health. Dr. Melvin Pascall talks about the ... Health: Approaches to Reducing Foodborne Pathogens and Zoonotic Diseases.” Feed The Future is the U.S ... Fellowship Program on “Overview of U.S. Food Safety Regulations and Standards for Bangladesh and the ...

  5. Live 'In-Person' Class 'Escape to the Real Forest' FULL!

    Spend the day with us out in the woods.  The day will be a little different than classes were ...

  6. A Day in the Woods Series 'Forest Ecology' Webinar

    landscape ecology of southeast Ohio.  We hope you can join us as we explore the ecological “zip codes” of ...

  7. Partners

    participants about volunteer opportunities in environmental education and interpretation, community science, ...

  8. July 2020 Highlights

    a separate story, they also reported about early findings in a study of black raspberries that indicate ... a $2 million grant from the Ohio EPA/ US Cares Act to study wastewater and COVID-19 surveillance in ... Center. The Chow Line also used Dr. Barb Kowalcyk as a resource for a story about not bleaching your food. ...

  9. Can My Woodlot be a Solution to Climate Change? Webinar

    AEDE's Brent Sohngen and SENR's Sayeed Mehmood.  Join us for this important conversation. ...

  10. September 2018 Highlights

    Dr. Chris Simons and the Perception and Liking Lab. Dr. Abby Snyder talks about chicken and preventing ... publications come out of her lab. “The microbiome and antibiotic resistance in integrated fishfarm water: ... Implications of environmental public health” is published in Science of The Total Environment. “Tile Drainage ...
