CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Livestreamed Lecture from the Research Commons: The Rise of Women in Academia

    About the speaker:       Claudia Buchmann, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor in the College of Arts and ...

  2. Please encourage students to submit ATI scholarship application

    via email, that is not always effective.  Please help us help our students!!!!  Encourage them to ...

  3. Sexual Misconduct Training

    a member of the campus community. It should take about 30 minutes to complete. If you have questions, ...

  4. Seminar: South Korea and Its Culture on the World Stage or watch later via the go.osu website:  ...

  5. TODAY is the last day to RSVP for the Fun Fest

    vacation time off. Please let us know your top choices for your afternoon activities. Each employee will ...

  6. Laura Deeter receives national honor

    and turned my plant identification course into a game about plants and zombies. I learned a lot about ...

  7. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    University, think about these changes and more in the federal bill now awaiting the President’s signature. ... Preparing the book involved about 1,000 birdwatching volunteers and a number of faculty, staff and students ... “In-Season Decisions,” 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Beck’s Hybrids, 720 U.S. 40, London, Ohio. Registration: $50. ...

  8. Eric Tanner Accepts New Position at Marlington High School

    technical and interpersonal skills to educate future generations of high school students about the benefits ...

  9. Welcome to the Wednesday Wire!

    submissions is noon Monday the prior to publication. If you submit after the deadline, your submission will be ...

  10. Introducing Ohio State ATI's 2019 Homecoming Court

    of community wherever you go. It means being passionate about education and learning to your enjoy ... with helpful resources. To be a Buckeye is not about just one person, its every single future, present, ... that I can be myself and be embraced by others about it, and be surrounded by others with similar ...
