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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Harmful Algal Blooms

    established thresholds and initiates testing when cyanobacteria are visually present in Ohio’s public waters. ...

  2. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Rolling Lift Carts

    technology that help farmers stay safe, and work more efficiently. For more information about Ohio AgrAbility ...

  3. Three ways to learn about Lake Erie science while on vacation

    having fun learning about Lake Erie. Visitors can take advantage of Ohio Sea Grant's science and ... The tours are a fun way to learn about Lake Erie without sitting through a traditional lecture. ... people about Lake Erie." Aquatic Visitors Center "Our sites... are a fun way to learn about the ...

  4. Safety Starts with Housekeeping

    more information about the OSU Ag Safety visit or contact Kent McGuire, OSU ...

  5. Safe Driving Through Work Zones

    and varying ways to inform motorists about the location and duration of major work zones. Often, the ... route.   For more information about the OSU Ag Safety visit or contact Kent ...

  6. Masambuka delivers presentation to Prince Albert II of Monaco on behalf of the Global Water Institute

    Prince Albert II of Monaco recently visited Ohio State to learn about the various efforts being ... program in ACEL with a specialization in International Development.  For more information about our ...

  7. National Fire Prevention Week is October 8 – 14, 2017

    a map of your home or business, including all doors and windows. • Talk with family and employees about ...

  8. Safety with Hand and Power Tools

    materials from the workspace.   For more information about the OSU Ag Safety visit ...

  9. Ohio State CFAES Student Kelse Brown Selected as Nationwide Teach Ag Ambassador

    others who have a passion for educating youth about the agriculture industry.” The Teach Ag Ambassadors ... more information about the National Teach Ag Campaign, visit ### ...

  10. Brown selected as nationwide Teach Ag ambassador

    others who have a passion for educating youth about the agriculture industry.” The Teach Ag Ambassadors ... more information about the National Teach Ag Campaign, visit agriscience ...
