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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Planting Small Grains in Late Summer and Autumn for Supplemental Forage

    Ohio, but it's a challenge because the small grains dry about half as fast as grass hay. Ryegrasses ...

  2. Applying Your Strengths @ Work

    Have you given any thought about how focusing on your strengths allows you to unleash your highest ...

  3. History Timeline

    the U.S. 1870- The university was established as the Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College. 1878- ... US agricultural experiment stations with research as a primary mission. 1890- A second Morrill Act ...

  4. Important Tips to Make Next Year’s Garden a Success

    and January and you begin to dream about your 2016 garden. For more information on home, lawn, indoor, ...

  5. Milk Production Growth Slows- What's Up for Milk Prices?

    weeks in the CME cheese market is an indication that the run-up has made its course and this is about as ...

  6. Awards

    publication in Plant Disease, "Grain Harvesting Strategies to Minimize Grain Quality Losses due to ...

  7. Feeding Newborn Calves to Thrive in Cold Weather

    half a gallon of liquid and if it is filled with fresh milk, it would deliver about a half pound of dry ...

  8. Increasing Sales Using Strengths

    gain knowledge about: �          Overcoming the reluctance to calling prospects �          Utilizing ...

  9. Diagnosis of Vegetable Diseases and Improved Disease Management

    the NE US, and include processing and fresh market vegetables and conventional and organic ...

  10. Plant Sciences Banquet 2008

    work has been submitted for publication with Erica as second author. Nick Weidenbenner- Honors student; ...
