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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Beef Cattle School

    SR 21. Go east (left) on SR 215 for about one mile. Then turn right onto Bond Ridge Road (a township ...

  2. Fairfield County 4-H Day!

    Maybe you've thought about 4-H but don't know where to start? Well then, 4-H day is the ...

  3. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation 2015 Conference and The Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course

    the U.S. Golf Association. A complete list of sessions, topics and speakers is posted at ...

  4. CD Wire- June 22, 2015

    Congrats to Lloyd and Merkowitz In about a week, two long-time Extension CD professionals from the class of ... learn about various aspects of sustainable, net-zero building and living. enCORE is located behind the ... / NEWS: Articles/Publications of Interest: Communiqué (June 10, 2015) EdgeUTech Blog: How to Use Google ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- March 11, 2013

    AD Update: Streamlining Reporting via RiV Last week we talked about communicating the impact of ... 10:30 a.m. Increasingly, the public and policy makers are asking for hard data on impacts of all ... publicly-funded activities. This webinar will review how North Central Extension Community Development program ...

  6. CD Weekly Wire- May 14, 2012

    listed next to something you no longer offer, again let us know and we’ll get it updated. Finally, to ... be thinking about your game plan and timeline. Call Sandy or me to discuss the details and for ... ( Our annual program retreat will be held September 26-27 (location TBD- if you are interested in ...

  7. Northwest Ohio Corn-Soybean Day

    continental breakfast and lunch. Details about the event, including a downloadable, mailable registration form ...

  8. Communiqué October 12, 2012

    organization. I try to do this in every presentation I make by including the mission, vision and talking about ... specialist brochure has been updated and is posted on the Extension home page, publications section at ... often! General questions about the photo library may be directed to Dave Scardena ( ...

  9. CD Wire- October 29, 2013

    Ideally, using this approach will help us to expand our programmatic reach to address unmet needs in other ... help us in the college transition to the new university brand. CarmenConnect meetings will be held on ... specific questions about materials you are creating. You can submit your pieces in advance and receive ...

  10. CD Wire- August 7, 2012

    you begin thinking about your stakeholders; specifically those folks that you feel would appreciate ... process. To signal your interest in learning more about the Online MS program or provide contact ... identify and/or plan educational programs, and become more knowledgeable about various issues related to ...
