CFAES Give Today
Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. 4-H PetPALS About

    relationships. Youth learn about the physical challenges associated with aging, as well as medical conditions ... about animal behavior, animal handling techniques and proper pet care. They gain a greater appreciation ...

  2. Farmer Focus Friday: Weber Ranch

    such as farm-to-table dinners and yoga on the farm (which is starting us this summer). While Tony and ...

  3. Hope for Ohio: A Teen Forum on the Opioid Crisis

    Bureau Foundation, Ohio FFA, and Prevention Action Alliance have partnered to host a forum about ...

  4. National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) Semi Annual Meeting

    about NUEL’s efforts, our time in Nashville is dedicated to engaging with each other to assess ...

  5. Cultivating Community: Gardens for Good

    for use in home or community gardens. For more information about using SNAP benefits to buy seeds or ...

  6. Northwest Ohio Woodland Workshop

    woodlands they own. Learn about the importance of tree diversity, test your tree id skills and learn about ...

  7. Baseball with the Buckeyes.jpg

    general admission ticket and t-shirt. First pitch is at 3:05 p.m. Join us! ...

  8. Webinar: Immigration on Cities

    CEOs for CITIES will continue the conversation from the 2016 National Meeting and talk about ...

  9. Master Urban Farmer Program Informational Meeting

    Come learn more about the Master Urban Farmer Program in Lucas County at an informational meeting ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

    Please join us Thursday, July 2nd for the 37th annual Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl.  Both Junior and ...
