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Lamb Marketing Course
producers, High said. Participants will learn about muscle quality attributes affecting lamb, as well as the ... said. They will also learn about the links in the production chain between the producer and the consumer ...
U.S. Senate passes changes to federal Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act
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Ohio State University Direct Agricultural Marketing Team
and Meet the Buyers. You can learn more about the Direct Agricultural Marketing Team at: ...
Field to Faucet making strides in improving Ohio’s water quality
Jay Martin talks about Lake Erie’s harmful algal blooms and the Field to Faucet program ’s efforts to ...
Ohio will soon permit certain agricultural utility vehicles to travel on public roads
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Welcome to OSU South Centers Vinayak Shedekar!
about to complete his doctoral degree from the Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological ...
Ohio’s annual Stinner Summit makes plans for sustainable food, communities
It was about growing green farms. Building sustainable communities. And helping keep more people ...
How and why skipping meals to lose weight can backfire
gorging and fasting mice had about the same body weights as control mice, their adipose [a type of fat ...
700-plus Ohio State students share their environmental science work
students talk about the Environmental Science Student Symposium: (Video: Office of Distance Education and ...
This was the polar express: ‘Worst grape damage on record in Ohio’
grow about 1,900 acres of grape vines in all. Dami and colleagues are giving workshops around Ohio ...