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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. April 2023 Highlights

    display during the poster session about her research on food safety at the Conference for Food Protection ...

  2. Dr. Yael Vodovotz

    has over 70 publications. As part The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and ...

  3. Last call Big Ten Colleges of Agriculture Alumni Reception

    5   Copy:  Please join us for a reception and enjoy the fellowship of alumni and friends from the colleges of ...

  4. Chocolate chemistry – a food scientist explains how the beloved treat gets its flavor, texture and tricky reputation as an ingredient

    the answers to some of the most frequent questions I hear about this unique and complex food. How does ... smell evaporate and the less flavor is left for you to enjoy. Generally you have  about a year to eat ... in the freezer. What’s different about hot chocolate? To make powdered hot chocolate, the beans are ...

  5. FoodSURE and UG research

    Learn about our undergraduate research program Learn about our undergraduate research program Our ...

  6. Reminder Big Ten Colleges of Agriculture Alumni Reception

    5   Copy:  Please join us for a reception and enjoy the fellowship of alumni and friends from the colleges of ...

  7. Spring Game Confirmation Email

    forward to seeing you on Saturday, April 15, 2023. Below are important details about the event. ...

  8. CFAES Spring Game Tailgate 2023 Reminder

    paragraph:  Copy:  Join us for a fantastic, family-friendly tailgate hosted by The Ohio State University ...

  9. September 2022 Department Highlights

    lobby of the Department. The seminar is open to the public. Dr. Jaykus is a William Neal Reynolds ... University. Click here to learn more about the Harris Award. Dr. Bala Balasubramaniam and his innovative ... best practices in the U.S. Baking Industry. Dr. Valente Alvarez and Steven Simmons led the group ...

  10. Big Ten Colleges of Agriculture Alumni Reception

    Please join us for a reception and enjoy the fellowship of alumni and friends from the colleges of ...
