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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSUE Direct Agricultural Marketing Team 2016 achievements

    webinar and resources at the Farm Science Review about the new agritourism law inOhio; Ohio Senate Bill ...

  2. ABC Archived Resources

    State Hatcheries and Public Aquaria, Doug Sweet, ODNR (pdf) Federal Order on VHS Recognizing Common Fish ...

  3. Aquaculture research achievements and impacts 2015

    phase and being considered by The Biological Bulletin for publication. The results from these two ... hatching tank to nursing tank.  About 30-75% larvae died the next day after stocking due to handling. The ...

  4. Ohio’s bees are a honey, and then some: Get a new guide to know them

    Ellsworth initially created the card as an in-the-field ID aid for about 100 citizen scientists who are ...

  5. End of Year Giving

    believe that you win with people, and this college is about people – the staff, faculty and students serve ...

  6. Ohio State Team Promotes Nature-based 'ECO-farming'

    demonstrates and teaches about what it calls “ECO-farming,” a new approach aimed at boosting a farm’s ...

  7. Good news: Ohio’s soil phosphorus levels are trending down

    about protecting surface water quality while maintaining agricultural production, said CFAES scientists ...

  8. Farm Science Review Recap

    alumni and friends. They came together to share stories and experiences; learn about college updates from ...

  9. CFAES Welcomes New Alumni

    commencement-related instructions, guests heard about the importance of staying connected to the university and the ...

  10. A Career Rooted in Agriculture, Communication and Leadership

     FarmHouse, among other student groups. Sharp also learned about different cultures through  Study Abroad ...
