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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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Search results

  1. Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs

    us to better plan for number of handout materials.  Pre-register by contacting the Wayne County ...

  2. CPR Training

    not be a problem.  Also, the training is about 5.5 hours, so we might need to extend our reservation ...

  3. Eating Healthy On A Budget

    about 300 degrees. Add tomatoes, beans, oregano, and garlic powder. Stir in rice and ½ cup water, cover; ...

  4. Farm Science Review

    attending Farm Science Review will have the opportunity to learn about the latest agricultural innovations, ... Tickets will be sold through the end of the business day September 19. More information about the 2016 ...

  5. Grass Tetany and Prevention

    transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.  About 70% of the total body content of magnesium is ...

  6. OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff

    outlying agricultural research stations  around Ohio. To read the full, original article about all of this ...

  7. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Demo

    perception by the public due to military uses of drones. Educating young producers on potential applications ...

  8. It’s All About Perspective

    gather information that would have made the solution much easier.  Life, is all about the perspective we ...

  9. Grape Black Rot Control

    symptoms, it is often too late to do anything about it.  This is a disease that starts in the early spring ... grape growers.  Click on the links below for more information about controlling grape black rot ...

  10. Dairy Webinar, Tillage Conference and Bee Workshop scheduled for this spring

    27 th will feature Dr. Trevor Devries from the University of Guelph talking about Optimizing ...
