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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application

    OSU Extension brings science-based information to the process of making decisions about food and the ... bring to market. OSU Extension brings science-based information to the process of making decisions about ... Electronic- Select One Printed Printed- Select One Please provide the following information about the ...

  2. Comparing Ohio’s Proposed Algae Control Legislation

    determined by ODNR’s Director. Phosphorous monitoring.    Both bills require certain publicly owned treatment ... but the Senate version prohibits the use in public water systems or water consumption facilities of ...

  3. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    this year will center on futuring – asking questions about and envisioning the long-term future of OSU ... about the future.  Asking the question  “What will be the most challenging trends and issues for Ohioans ... think about the long-term future of OSU Extension. See Descriptors for Trend Research for more ...

  4. 4-H Public Speaking Contest


  5. PetPALS SPP #4

    animal.  The evaluator sets up a course that includes a left turn, right turn, and an about turn, with at ...

  6. 37th Annual American Community Garden Conference

    about submitting your proposal please email: The American Community ...

  7. Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring and Management Webinar

    more about the webinar and register see the flyer here. Flyer ...

  8. 4-H Youth Cooking Up a New Collaboration

    by an interdisciplinary team of OSU Extension professionals, crafted five lesson plans about local ...

  9. Grain Marketing- Turning On-Farm Storage Into A Profit

    potential profits while minimizing risk.  Jon Scheve of Superior Feed Ingredients will be talking about what ... more information about the meeting, contact Custer at For more detailed information, ...

  10. Making Hay Seed to Harvest

    Do you have questions about making hay? What seed to plant, how much you need, storage ideas or ...
