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Mercer Laboratory

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. International Logistics

    Join us on Wednesday, May 27 as we will have experts on hand to discuss freight forwarding, best ...

  2. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    will also occur during the day. This regional event is open to the public and was organized by the OSU ...

  3. $5 million in annual new harvest ale sales using Ohio hops being brewed in Ohio

    having planted about200 acres of hops, up from 4 acres in 2011, with an estimated annual farm gate crop ...

  4. Ohio’s first AgritourismReady conference a success

    gathered for the Ohio AgritourismReady Conference in Waldo, Ohio.  The attendees where there to learn about ... you would like more information about this or upcoming workshops, check out the OSUE Direct ...

  5. A Fruitful Year for more information.       Research Projects: Container Berry Production Project Funded by USDA ...

  6. Diversified Organic Farm Tour

    what they grow and customers who are interested in learning about the methods used to grow their food. ...

  7. Blueberries

    for consumers; and good economic returns for growers.  There are currently about 400 acres of ... blueberry farms are not huge.  The biggest one has about 27 acres while others may have 20, 15 or 10 acres.  ... from a blueberry farm near you!  Whether you are thinking about growing blueberries as cash crop as ...

  8. Muck Crops Field Day is July 27

    sprayer technology Herbicide trials for weed control Leona Horst, a horticulturist from the U.S ...

  9. OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update

    the Rio Grande Educational Channel 17 TV station. This public access TV program broadcasts under the ... Time Warner Cable System using one of the Public Educational Channels.  Viewers from four southern Ohio ...


    Effects of Temperature on the Expression of Two Ovarian Differentiation-Related Genes foxl2 and cyp19a1a Zhi-Gang Shen, Nour Eissa, Hong Yao, Zhi-Gang Xie, and Han-Ping Wang* Exposure to stress induces a series of responses and influences a wide range of ...
